
My top tips for Instagram success

Hey everyone, a short but sweet one today! I thought I would talk you through the easiest changes you can make to your page to boost aestheticism and in turn engagement and following. These are the tips I often given to clients initially before I outline the templates I can create for them and advise them further. Please don’t forget to comment your favourite tips, follow my new business page @sterling.social and share among the community.

  1. Choose a theme

Arguably the first and easiest step of them all is to choose a theme to stick to so your page appears cohesive and aesthetically pleasing. Picking a colour scheme, font and potentially small details to carry throughout your content really gives your content the edge and is easily recognisable among other accounts on your followers’ feed.

2. Have clear, themed highlight covers

One of the most common things I do for clients is create new highlight covers. This adds to the cohesiveness of the page, and makes clear what the highlight is about. This is particularly key for store or service and these highlights can be used to display vital information such as prices, so having a highlight cover that displays very clearly the information that can be found within is vital. In the same way, the name of the highlight also needs be clear.

3. Switch up your content

I have so many people coming to me saying they have lots of followers but no engagement in posts. Often, it is because they have nothing to engage with, and sorting this if often a simple task. Systematically posting engaging grid content such as questions to your followers, ‘reminders’, quotes and faq answers will encourage your followers to enagage in the comments, to which you can reply and build a rapport. The same goes for stories, posting the ‘ask me anything’ sticker or asking your followers simply ‘what would you like to see on my page?’ will give you a better indication of what your followers want, so you can be sure to fulfill their needs.

4. Don’t get too hung up on hastags

Using hashtags is great to connect with a community and it can also boost your followers. However, hashtags are not the be all and end all of your page, as, if people click on your page from the hashtag and see its poorly laid out, they are unlikely to follow, so think about your page first before putting it out there.

5. Make sure your photos are clear and of high quality

Instagram is all about photos and images, so make sure yours are great! Your followers are less likely to engage or even enjoy your content if it is of low quality, as they can find the same service or information elsewhere, so make sure you have this first step correct!

I hope you all enjoyed these simple tips, make sure to let me know if you try them out! For any queries regarding my business services, leave me a message below and I’ll get back to you promptly!

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